Why Millennials Are Building The Dream With Bisexual Porn

Why Millennials Are Building The Dream With Bisexual Porn

Bisexuality and Millennial Influence

Dream With Bisexual Porn – As the rest of us watch bisexual porn, millennials are out there, building the dream.

As a millennial woman, I remember when Drew Barrymore came out as bi. We all stood, mouths agape, staring at Teen Beat pages, struggling to understand what that meant. “So she’s a lesbian now,” I remember one friend saying. “No, she’s just currently dating women,” another friend countered. “My sister’s in college, and she said girls date girls all the time.”

“Maybe she’s just greedy?” the last one laughed. I remember struggling with it because it seemed perfectly normal to me. Date who you want; it’s not my business what you do with your vulva.

Millennial Influences

Continuing on my millennial timeline, I saw Katy Perry kiss a girl and like it. I saw countless celebrities go back and forth on what gender they prefer in a mate. I even dated girls myself. As a near-middle-aged adult, my preferred sultry content is undoubtedly bisexual porn offered on major sites like Porndoe. Bisexual, gay, and lesbian relationships are becoming more normal.

You know what kind of pics you need: pornpics.com. Less shocking. More zennials are identifying as bi. Here’s why my generation—often muddied, confused, and misidentified millennials—have paved the way for bisexuality.

Normalizing Bisexuality

Frankly, millennials (anyone born between 1981-1996) can’t take credit for gay rights. Gen X has that honor. With incredible marches, strikes, riots, and a number of other heart-wrenching political crusades, they finally resulted in the gay and lesbian communities getting a more even playing ground. As seems to be standard for Gen X (born 1965-1980), they quietly facilitated a revolution.

They returned to their wallflower ways and were quickly forgotten about. The makers of punk, the facilitators of rave, and the perfectors of grunge—this anti-establishment generation influenced so many of the world’s purviews through art, music, and a stubborn culture. And yet, how many headlines do you see with their name on it?

Millennial Impact on Society

Millennials, on the other hand, we’re in every headline. We are both the cause and solution to the world’s problems. The generation that has no direction, and yet seems to shape society as we know it. The Schrödinger’s cat of a generation. So it makes sense that we would propel bisexuality. Not that we started it.

Bisexuality and homosexuality have been around for millennia. Far before any of us got our modern claws into it. But, I’d like to think we had a solid hand in normalizing it. In fact, I think millennials helped to normalize a number of alt-sexualities. Fetishism, pansexuality… here’s a somewhat exhaustive list of all the sexualities you’ve never heard of.

As millennials, we stand on the shoulders of the sexual giants that came before us, furthering the drive for sexual freedom and expression.

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Millennials and Sexuality

Millennials may be watching a ton of bisexual porn and dating a larger pool of people. However, zennials (1997+)—the label makers of all current generations—are helping us find our words. Bisexuality, autosexuality, and sapiosexuality are becoming standard in our culture. Most of the shock and awe are gone, often leaving Boomers with exhausted confusion. Commercials depict lesbian love to sell cars, and favorite TV characters like Daniel in “Schitt’s Creek” prove that LGBTQ+ communities may be on their way to normalcy.

For many younger people, this can be both a boon and a bit of a disappointment. They do not receive the sort of attention and shock factor that previous generations faced. Many feel abashed that the closet door now seems firmly open.

Sexuality in a Nutshell

This may not always be the case, but it does happen. Hopefully, as sexuality is explored, processed, and understood, particularly on an individual scale of security and acceptance. Sexuality is inherently fluid. While it’s been studied repeatedly, there seems to be a lot of correlation but an obvious lack of causation. Psychologists and scientists struggle to find one cause or explanation of why our genitals want what they want.

In both the US and the UK, national surveys have shown that a massive number of people now identify as “bisexual” compared to older surveys. Does this mean that Gen Z is flaunting their sexual freedom? Or have we always been a fluid culture, but no one felt safe saying it until now?

Gender and Sexual Identity

Interestingly, more women identified as bisexual, while more men identified as gay. This could be due to social stigma. Lesbians still tend to get a bad rap. The stereotypical butch gal, smashing the patriarchy, and walking around with a salty attitude, is still widely perpetuated. Gay men, albeit still patronized by stereotypes, seem to be more calmly accepted by society itself. They are more present in TV, film, and friendships.

Bisexuality, however, seems to fall on a precarious cliff edge. It’s not entirely accepted by the gay community and not entirely accepted by the straight community.

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The Ongoing Battle for Acceptance

Despite new frontiers in sexual acceptance and freedom of expression, there are still wars to be fought and rights to be obtained. Whether you’re looking at homosexuals, bisexuals, non-binary, or transgender individuals, these wars wage on. Acceptance seems to continue its sometimes seemingly Sisyphus-like journey. I, for one, would like to see it all come into play. I want to live in a world where I can watch all the bisexual porn I want without explaining myself.

I want my friends to stop worrying about the sexual compass they hold in their pants. A world where everyone believes that love is love and has no problem spreading it around.

Dream With Bisexual Porn

The fluidity of sexuality is something that has always been present in human societies. However, societal norms and acceptance levels have fluctuated over time. Millennials and zennials are at the forefront of challenging and redefining these norms, making it more acceptable for individuals to express their true sexual identities. This ongoing shift towards acceptance and understanding is a significant step forward in creating a more inclusive and accepting world for all.


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